Peter Bloom Band let it go

You know there's no good way to leave
Just go
Are you sorry
You never let it show
Do you blame yourself
You're holding on as though you even care
Time will mend so many holes
Sew many tears
I sit and wait alone and pretend
A cigarette holding my hand
A silhouette my only friend
Will you let it end
Love - we're better off this way
These splattered shades of gray
Will never fully cover up what once was
Love - don't call it giving in
Surrender's not the same
As letting go
We both could choke on all the reasons
Why are you trying to find
Insight in hindsight
When our bitterness has tainted the view
Is it better for yourself if you do
Whatever helps you make it through
Is it better to have lost
Than never to have loved
Or been loved
Was Tennyson liar
Did pain and poetry conspire
Just to fool a hopeful heart