Peter Sando sink or swim

I am an inconvenient thing
able to see the good in everything else but myself.
I'd do my best too explain if I had something that was clever to say
but I don't. And I can't.
So do I sink or swim?
I'm drowning in the what ifs
and could have beens
I'm not good enough for myself, let alone anyone else and that's just the way it is.
I'm still alone
the way I was a year ago,
but it's better the devil you know
instead of the devil you don't.
I'm still alone
the way I was a year ago,
but it's better the devil you know
Then the devil
You don't
Then the devil
You don't
So do I sink or swim?
I'm drowning in the what ifs
and could have beens
I'm not good enough for myself, let alone anyone else and that's just the way it is.
So I'll just waste away and worry about everything I cannot change.
Maybe I'm everything I hate.
So I'll just waste away and worry about everything I cannot change.
So do I sink or swim?
I'm drowning in the what ifs
and could have beens
I'm not good enough for myself, let alone anyone else and that's just the way it is.