Pink Martini je ne t aime plus

I'm angry with you tonight
Because you told me I'm yours
And I think you're fat
And I know you're bald
And I think I don't love you anymore
Even if my hair will come back one day
You won't want more of my love
Even if you think I'm fat
Even though you know I'm bald
Why don't you love me anymore
I wanted to be free like when I was little
How can I love a selfish bully ste
Even if you were even skinnier
With a head full of hair
I think I don't love you anymore
Oh let me kiss you one more time
Remember when we were walking in the woods
I thought you were beautiful
And I know you're the one
Who will always stay with me
Oh as you are so persistent
You will be the wolf and I will be the bleating sheep
I thought you were fat
And I thought you were bald
But I know that you will be my lover
I will be your lover cream
And we will be lovers