Poured Out to the point of death

Throw me in the fire.
You think that I can't take the pain.
Focused are my eyes, I count it all as gain.
No compromise.
No fearful neglect.
I bear all grief for the Prince of Peace to the point of death.
Make me a martyr.
I'll die for the world to know His name.
The scapegoat of your wrath, I will not hide.
You look down on me with weakness.
I look up with strength.
I knew it from the start that this would be my fate: to be subject to hatred, to be discriminated, to be suffocated by this world.
No man can take my constant; my everything.
This is my assurance of things hoped for.
This is my conviction of things unseen.
I am toe to toe with the devil trying to drag me to hell.
I spit in the face of his threats.
I stand firm to the point of death.