Princess Izzy gridlock of a heart

My heart has not been touched lately
It did not upset me too greatly
Consenting passion from strangers
Did not worry about dangers
But when will I find true love…
I have to get my second glove…
My heart even traveled to Babylon
Not even there found a liaison
From London to Paris a jet to Madrid
Did not even bat an eyelid
Had sex on a beach under many a star
We kissed in a dark bazaar
In limelight and highest of fashion
Always got plenty of passion
I am now looking for the one…
While I am still feeling young…
My heart also traveled to Equator
In virgin snow with a skater
In Singapore and Bangkok by boat
In Amsterdam on river float
Though times pass by too soon…
My heart must go to the moon…
Love and passion with a soul mate
Hopefully not too late
Tristan and Isolde had such desire
My heart needs a hot fire
No more gridlock and congestion…
Affairs are now out of question…