Profundi lifeless cold crimson

Horror chills through angelspines, and weakened halos fade
Descendance of the shadow's near, with it's retribution blade
Vengeance... I'll laugh at all of their fears,
the sound of crying angels is like music to my ears
One by one defeathered, shattered wings shall clad the sky
No remorse will hit me, I'll shed no tears as I sentence them all to die
Doves of heaven, lambs of christ... I shall snatch you all
Once here in down under, none will hear your call
Now you shall burn... Burn in the endless fires of hell
You will burn... In neverending pain
The hate that flows within these veins shall I no more restrain
I clench both my fists in detest as my fury becomes their pain
Angels maimed, dismembered... I still hear their helpless cries
Lifeless, cold and crimson... Nothing but sweet silence now herein lies
Now you shall burn... Burn in the endless fires of hell
You will burn... In neverending pain