Proliferhate the court of owls

The source again, everytime find myself here
Looking for darkness, where I'll be safe
The maze is their story, just a bedtime fairytale
Rocking me around, confusing my beliefs
Hundreds of faces on the wall
Petrified, terrorized
I won't become one of them
Everything's so unreal
This is not how it should be
You won't fool me
All tricks are mine
I won't listen to you!
The source again,
Everytime find myself here
Looking for darkness,
Where I'll be safe
The maze is their story
Just a bedtime fairytale
Rocking me around
Confusing my beliefs
This is what I was, I was one with it
Streets used to gimme warm embraces
Everything was in its right place
No one knew any God but me
The only God this hell needed
Can't feel that comforting glance anymore
Nothing but loneliness, nothing but pain
Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time
Ruling town from a shadowed perch, behind granite and lime
They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed,
Speak not a whispered word about them, or they'll send The Talon for your head
Beware the court of owls
They'll send the talon for your head
There must be
Some other way
I will find it,
I will
Here I lay
Refuse to listen
The court of owls
Now they make reality, show me I've always been wrong
This frightens me, makes me feel sick
All my certaintes undermined, and my trust been misplaced
Is this really the end?
Cannot find a way out
The court sentenced you to death
Surrender, hand yourself over to the Court
Let it all end: sorrow, struggle.
Just become a ghost, a framed face on the wall
Admit your failure, accept the conclusion
Your purest essence reflected on the fervent light of the eyes of your God