Psyckadeli chasing my shadow

Verse 1
If I could live my life all over
I would´nt change a thing
I´ve walked around in circle´s
Even looked in the lost and found
Show me a man that don´t have a regret
That is something I woant forget
Totally lost in my desire
Am I really someone to edmire?
I´m chasing
I´m chasing my own shadow
Verse 2
Knowing what I know now
Could it change something´s?
Would history repeat itself?
Should I stay on this road?
What´s right is right and wrong is wrong
An opend door will not last for long
It´s better to regret something that you did
then never to have placed that winning bid
I´m chasing
I´m chasing my own shadow
Would I really change something´s or would it be just the same?
Will I wear different clothes, dye my hair and change my name?
Would I buy a fancy car and cruise down the Sunset Strip?
Go all around the world on a fancy trip?
Cu´s I´m chasing