Pulp manon

Masters Of The Universe
Manon Manon keeps a corpse in his home
Manon Manon picks the flesh from her bones
Manon Manon Manon
Manon hard and white as a stone
Manon Manon sits alone, all alone
Manon Mano Manon
Oh, Manon Manon Manon leave her body alone
Manon Manon put a match to your home
Manon Manon Manon
Oh, Manon
In the gardens we can see Manon a child of forty-five years old
This woman is dead, yes, it's true, but he picks the skin from these bones
Behind the trees, he sees a young girl playing with her brother
He approaches them
I renounce you Manon
You are a real dog
Leave his body in peace Manon Manon.