Puteraeon into the deep

Starlighten ocean
The blood and the breed
Ancient forgotten forms of life
Tainted by age. Aeons of filth
Dive, cleanse yourself
Into the deep
Die, face yourself
Eternal sllep
An age of war
Shades in my eyes
Flash of bloodred stars
Dive, clean yourself
Into the deep
Die, face yourself
Eternal sleep
The rush of waves
Scattered your thoughts
Emotions decay
Nowhere is here
Entitys of the deep
Lurk inside
The dark below
Spawned by the blood of man
Absorbed in the dark forever
The pounding of dark waves
My infinte dream
Blast into the realms unknown
Shedding my human skin
Drowning forever
The breed eats inside you
The ocean forever
Absorbed in the deep