Qubit south

All this fear I breathe
This toxic scent of possesion
blinding me from the truth.
All the pride I left behind
Just to walk slowly down your path.
Where will my soul rest?
They celebrate our departure.
They say we don't belong.
Never have never will.
We sail through the north.
South is where we belong.
Lights guide us as the waves take us through the dark.
But the light you have been hiding
inside of you has show me the only way home.
Where will my soul rest?
I seek my own altar.
Mind's eye as my compass guiding me to certanty.
The balance must return to...
Mother tell the gods the world is ours.
I'll trust my own beliefs this time.
South of this dying rotten scheme lies the dream of salvation.
The hope of finding the peace that we have lost.
But the light you have been hiding
inside of you has shown me the only way home.
Where will my soul rest?
I seek my own altar.
Mind's eye as my compass guiding me to certanty.
The balance must return to...