Queen Hilma for james

I’ve seen the look of your good side
And I’m sad to say that it keeps me awake
And I don’t ask much from forgiveness
But of mercy I ask for the grace to forget every day
I’m awake to myself thus I know the mistakes I have made
But you abandoned ship
You abandoned ship
You abandoned ship
You abandoned ship
And this is where my heart went under
And this is where my heart went under
Maybe like time you will linger
But just as gravity’s true you will fade away too
And I will escape you forever
As for now you remain always pointing the blame casually
I will open my eyes never in compromise just to see
Your fingers chase my neck
It’s the end of the story, in its glory
And I will not pretend
That I feel for you baby, this is crazy
And I don’t understand
How the world is upon us, when we’re honest
Does everyone not care for the person inside us all