Rachel Alejandro bulag sa katotohanan

Because I've heard so much
Because so much is messing with my mind
They say you love someone else
They also say we won't last long
Or it hurts to think < br/>You will be lost from the 'king piling
That's why it's better
Don't know the truth
I don't want to know anymore
That you have someone else
Let it be this numb mind
'Not knowing the truth
I might just be hurt
Let it be blind to the truth
My love
'Don't be separated from me
'I hope you don't change
What I know is enough for me
It is enough for me that you are with me
Or it hurts to think
That things are different' the feeling
That's why it's better not to know the truth
I don't want to know anymore
That you have someone else
Let this mind be numb
' I didn't know the truth
I might just be hurt
Let me be blind to the truth
I don't want to know anymore
That you have someone else
Let this mind be numb