Ramon Mirabet wake up acstico

Cave days are gone
We'll be blind no more
Don't let us down
We have it all
We have it all
Chains on the floor
Leave behind the shore
Don't let us down
We have it all, we have it all
Time to wake up
Ghost town bravely(?)
We're gonna bring it all home
Gonna doooo...
Lay off the war
and let freedom roar
Cuz the power
We have it all, we have it all
Time to wake up
Ghost town bravely(?)
We're gonna bring it all home
Gonna doooo...
No don't be 'fraid
Never mind the glow
Cuz the power
We have it all, we have it all
No don't be scared
We don't mind the road
Cuz the power
We have it all, we have it all
Time to wake up
Ghost town bravely(?)
We're gonna bring it all home
Gonna doooo...
Time to wake up
Ghost town bravely(?)
We're gonna bring it all home
Gonna doooo...