Random Toon the official random toontown anthem

I was walking down the street one day and I didn't know what I would find
I saw a horse with no head so I said hello there you look kind
He says back at me No Im not a horse Im a boy cat with a cream pie for an eye
So I said to the horse cat my name is Jimminybillybob what's yours
The horse replied Sorry I died for a second there
It's fine I said
I do it all the time
Don't worry about it man
Don't worry about it man!
So I continued my evening walk in the morning of August the 32nd
Where I saw fifty gold
Colored VPs
All moving at me at a slow, slow speed
Oh no I screamed!
I gotta get out
But I turned around and I saw Coach Z in his underpants singing the Gag Song while feeding a poisonous plant
So the lamp post fell down and crushed my pet seltzer bottle
Which made me drown
And I didn't know if this was still Toontown
Or an alternate dimension I've never been to before
To find out I got a taxi to Lil Oldman
And dropped a nuclear bomb on his head where he said
Fifty Big Cheeses! Fifty Big Cheeses!
Oh no not again!
Then I saw a very strange toon
His color was blue
Or maybe it was green or blue
But before I had time to decide
I probably died and exploded inside
Before learning out to not to drive
This was not Toontown
This was some weird world I've never been to before
But I knew I couldn't get out alive
I couldn't get out alive
I couldn't get out alive!
I was walking down the street one day and I didn't know what I would find
I saw a horse with no head so I said hello there you look kind
He says back at me No Im not a horse Im a boy cat with a cream pie for an eye
So I said to the horse cat my name is Jimminybillybob what's yours
Oh no I screamed!
I gotta get out
But I turned around and saw Coach Z in hus underpants singing the Gag Song while feeding a poisonous plant