Raubtier dieselrok

Is life heavy and the day seems hard and gray to you?
Are the defeats many and the successes few?
Here is the recipe for a good philosophy< br/>An explosive force boiling with massive energy
Minefields and grenades
Every day a requirement
Live it like soldiers
In an armored brigade
Stay firm , hit hard
If you need examples, follow ours
Hit hard, shoot down
Until mayhem and blood and diesel fumes are all you see
When the first streak of dawn light penetrates
Be ready for another day of smoke and dust
The storm is fierce, regroup, bide time
Tomorrow awaits a hard and bitter battle
Life is a journey
Through no man's land
Hear vultures screech
And tie your hand hard
Stand hard, hit hard
If you need an example, follow ours
Hit hard, shoot down
Until chaos and blood and diesel smoke is all you see
You walk against the wind where heather wings beat
You know you have to fight now< br/>Hecklers gather where leaders go
So just hold the line you chosen get
Stand firm, hit hard
Need examples , follow our
Hit hard, shoot down
Until mayhem and blood and diesel smoke is all you see
Stand hard, hit hard
If you need examples, follow ours
Hit hard, shoot down
Until chaos and blood and diesel fumes are all you see