Red Sovine little rosa 1956

Red Sovine
Little Rosa (1956)
A tiny turned up nose, two cheeks just like a rose
So sweet from head to toe, that little girl of mine
I had gone to visit the grave of mine of mine. And as I walked through the graveyard, I noticed this man kneeling down by the grave of a child. And as I started to walk by, I noticed that he had a big red rose in his hand and tears were streaming down his cheeks. I walk over, laid a hand on his shoulder and started to talk to him. And in the course of the conversation, and in his broken English, this is the story as he told it to me. He said a-mister; I walk-a down the street-a today and-a I pass-a by a big-a flower shop. I walk-a into the shop and I ask-a the man, I said Boss, how much for one-a red rose? And-a he look-a at me with one big-a frown and he said one-a dollar please. But a-by and-a by a swell dressed blond young-a lady walk-a in. And she said-a how much for-a one red rose? And-a he look-a at her with big-a smile and he said-a ten cents. And I said-a Boss, how come-a you charge-a me a dollar for the rose and you charge-a the lady only ten-a cents. And he said-a look, tell me why you want-a the rose and maybe I give it to you for nothing. And I said Boss; I’m a hard-a working man, I work-a for the railroad. And I got-a little girl and her name is Rosa. Rosa is just about this-a high boss. Everyday when I come-a home from work little Rosa come-a running to meet her papa. She throws her little arms around my neck and say papa, and I say Rosa. But one-a day, Boss, I come home from work and I don’t-a see Rosa. I look down by the railroad tracks and I see-a one big-a crowd. I go down and push-a the crowd this way and I push-a the crowd that way and there was at my feet lay my little Rosa. And that’s why I want-a the Rose-a Boss, I want to put them on my little Rosa grave. The man he don’t-a say nothing but he pick the biggest and reddest rose and he give-a to me. And I said thank-a you, Boss, I thank you very much.
And though she’s gone you see, she’s still the world to me
To me she’ll always be, that little girl of mine