Reik de que sirve

What good is what surrounds me?
Even if I have everything
I feel empty without you
What good is the air I breathe? Although I survive I feel like I'm drowning without you
Today I only have time
And my loneliness to remember
I only have strength left
To dream that you will return
Because I lack everything
I don't They reach the will to live
Although I try everything I don't understand
Why are you not here
Even though nothing is eternal or perfect
You are for me
I need you Because without you I don't know how to live
What good is seeing a new day?
If there is no joy
The only thing left is the desire to run away
What good is the reflection of the moon
And have a fortune
If love has left here
Today I only have time
And my loneliness to remember
I only have strength left
To dream that you would come back
Because I lack everything
I don't have enough desire to live
Although I try everything I don't understand
Why are you not here
Even though nothing is eternal or perfect
You are for me
I need you because without you
I need you because without you
I need you because without you I can't I know how to live