Reina Del Cid morse code

You had the postal service
you had the telephone wire
there were passenger pigeons
to take your words up higher
There were walkie talkies
fiber optic repeat
there were infinite channels
between you and me
It don't matter pretty baby
that it was a note
upon your door
it don't matter how you said it
you don't love me no more
you don't love me no more
you don't love me no more
Now I could hijack the airwaves
to say I want you back
I could put us in a novel
and rewrite the past
I could string up the words
behind a long aeroplane
and wait for your answer
to come back again
It don't matter pretty baby
if I find the words I'm looking for
it don't matter how I say it
you don't love me no more
I could hire a man
to swim across the sea
plant a little kiss
on your cheek for me
I could write you a letter
and cross all my tees
and put it in the belly
of a great submarine
But it don't matter pretty baby
if my words never
reach the shore
it don't matter if I say it
you don't love me no more
I could put a lonely billboard
on every city road
or have the stars blotted out
in a brilliant Morse code
Wouldn't make no difference
pretty baby
you don't love me no more
it don't matter pretty baby
you don't love me no more
you don't love me no more
you don't love me no more