Reisa L. Gerber the hustlin bustlin jive

She moved into this old apartment,
kind of antique dante's hell...
And even though it needed fixing,
She could make it elegant...
It needed more than a paint job spotted here and there,
But they put down plush beige carpeting,
And she bought some lamps and two beanbags...
We all have one her therapist!... said she'd bring an aloe plant,
Her sister and her niece brought her
Some coffee cups and a serving tray that she put on the mantle...
And especially cool was the loft it had and the kingsized bed upstairs,
And she made up her mind that through the years,
She'd replace the furniture...
She moved into this old apartment,
kind of antique dante's hell,
And even though it needed fixing,
She could make it elegant...
Talk it true and make your mind up... Make this living space more than a dive, right?
Make people smile when they come in...
The hustlin', bustlin' jive!