Remmy Valenzuela la pajarera

When the loving season arrives
where the birds sang happily
let's go then, my dear Rosita
to listen to those sweet songs.
A wild bird has already fallen
a goldfinch bird has already fallen
a couple of sparrows have already fallen
the prisoner hawk has already fallen.
When Rosita goes to Mexico
to sell them to the capital
five pesos will be the lowest price
that they can be worth there.
If a lady as you pass asks you
if they are wild birds
you will tell them that this is not their land
that you brought them from a hot land.
My dear Rosita is leaving
she says goodbye with pleasure and eagerness
I am gentlemen the little bird
whoever of you is leaving with her.
You already know that I am a birdkeeper
and that I live in the fields every day
enjoying the spring
the birds and their polished songs.