Remmy Valenzuela pedazos de mi

Let the nostalgia take me away
let the feeling kill me
you give up my kisses
you don't care what I feel...
It's difficult for me to forget you
it's It's useless for you to understand me
it's difficult for me to live
it's easier for me to die...
It's preferable to die
when there is no longer hope
You have already lost faith in me
You have already destroyed my soul...
More so if one day you want to live
the moments that I have given you
gather Pieces of Me
Wherever you find them lying... It's easy for me to die...
It is preferable to die
when there is no longer hope
you have already lost faith in me
you have already destroyed my soul...
More if one day you want to live
the moments that I have given you
gather Pieces of Me
wherever you find them lying...