Renato Zero problemi

Life without problems
Tell me what life you are.
Even if I don't look for them
I would find them on me...
Every day problems
What emerge like this?,
since I've been in the world!
Problems I ask myself
Or what you ask me.
Priest, lawyer, judge
And gradually going down?...
For get to the day
That will solve them?.
When I wake up I will be? better!
I have a thousand problems
But I wouldn't kill myself…
If I did who would solve my cases…
I have too many creditors.
I have too many deadlines.< br/>Problems are knocking at the door…
I swear, I'll open the door?!
Don't put it off until tomorrow…
If the problem is? already? here
More? quickly I will solve it?…
Pi? soon, will it disappear?!
Even problems are beautiful,
if you live them? in two.
Where my arms cannot,
there are yours!
Let the problems come
They will find us here…
More? strong if we are together!
Problems are better
Than a yawn, yes!
Better than giving up
Letting one live like this?…
Love, for example,< br/>What a wonderful problem?.
It's a problem, when there is?.
A problem, if there isn't?.
I love all the people who
Have problems you want…
But he always knows how to smile,
A busy life
If ? whatever you want…
They will follow the same path…
Your problems and mine…