Rex Luciferius john f kennedy

The night before I was born
Daddy drove momma thru a storm
So I could be born
As Nostradamus had warned
That same night John F Kennedy
Was nominated by his party to run
I was born early the next morn
From a Branch Long Barren
Now my very first memory
Is of a young man hung on our wall
It was a color photo of
John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy
The great hope of humanity
Shot in the head
For the world to see hope was dead
At the age of three
I have a vivid memory
My granny and mamma crying
They had shot John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy
The great hope of humanity
Shot in the head
For the world to see hope was dead
My momma said son
Put away your chlids toys
You must watch them bury
John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy
The great hope of humanity
Shot in the head
For the world to see hope was dead
So I sat before a black and white TV
Saw a little boy salute the world
Saw a horse drawn casket with
John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy
The great hope of humanity
Shot in the head
For the world to see hope was dead
I saw grown men cry
I saw a world loose hope
All because we had lost
John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy
The great hope of humanity
Shot in the head
For the world to see hope was dead
I; m now a grown man in a dark world
Since I've seen so many lights
All shot dead in the head
Like John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy
The great hope of humanity
Shot in the head
For the world to see hope was dead
Now nothing seems quite right
Even the blackness of the night
Where stars no longer shine bright
Long gone the shining white knights
John F Kennedy
The great hope of humanity
Shot in the head
For the world to see hope was dead