régresser a forum

you were at no stage important.
you were at no stage significant.
you are alive because your parents fucked.
they were not in love.
draw your last breath deeper like you'll choke on the moment.
signs of a friendly neighbourhood,
we wanna move our families in while we remove cancerous rodents.
draw your last breath indefinitely like you've had a few near misses now.
you can't keep account of the breakage.
lets discuss the virtues of child poisoning.
i suggest you void your warranty so you can sleep where you're led.
as a single working mother of three i'd like to voice my opinion.
this is a forum of bile and muck and the white sticky stuff i've been accumulating.
i've been boilin' with the rats while you were hangin' by your tie.
a question, a statement, you suffocate my brain.
but it's painless and it's warm,
and in dying we're reborn,
and we give back, we finally give back to the earth.