Rhiannon stickwoman

Stickwoman, Stickwoman lives in a tree
Hides among the branches so others cannot see
Her eyes are wide, her hair is dark, like shadows of the night
Her face is still a child?s, lit up by candlelight.
And on the tree she lays her dreams, each one a leafy sigh
And far beneath she whispers low to people passing by?
? I am the Stickwoman, Voice of the Free
Laughing in the Wood Rings, within the Singing Tree
Touching and tasting the scented oozing bark
For I live on green sap, joyful as a Lark
I own the hollow where fledglings nestle in
I am Stickwoman?the wish beneath their skin.?
Stickwoman sings beyond the raggedy way
Within her own harmony?her voice knows the clay
She weaves her cloths with silken strands from out the spider?s web
And plucks the down from pigeon?s breasts as pillows for her head
And for her path she follows forth,
A Skyroad full of Dreams
The Stickwoman truly is?
Everything she seems?
Stickwoman, Stickwoman lives in a tree
Hides among the branches so others cannot see
Her eyes are wide, her hair is dark, like shadows of the night
Her face is still a child?s, lit up by candlelight
And on the tree she lays her dreams, each one a leafy sigh
And far beneath she whispers low to people passing by?
?I am Stickwoman?Voice of the Free??