Ricardo Arjona realmente no estoy tan solo

I have a coffee with your absence
And I light a cigarette to the nostalgia
I give your empty space a kiss on the neck
I play a game of chess with your story
And I caress the back of memory
Seducing the pair of blue shoes that you forgot
And I talk about politics with your toothbrush
With such an analytical vision Ethics, like when you regret it
I'm really not so alone, who told you that you left
If I still find you cooking some memory in the kitchen
Or in the shadow that the curtain draws They are
And here you are missed so much
You are still here, without you, with me
Who is with you If you're not even here
I talk with your silk stockings
And I prepare a croissant to remember
While I scratch the knee of this lifeless life
I sing a song to nothing
And I make fun of melancholy
While I zip up the skirt of desire
Feeling so many things
Not really I am so alone
Alone you who are with me
And you did not leave with you
I am really not so alone, who told you that you left
If I still find you cooking some memory in the kitchen
Or in the shadow drawn by the curtain
I'm really not alone in who told you that you left
If you carried the body, but not the memory
And the memory is with me
I am really not so alone, who told you that you left
If one does not It is where the body is, but where it is missed most
And here you are missed so much
You are still here, without you, with me
Who is with you if you are not even there