Rickie Byars Beckwith trust love

Trust Love
By Rikki Byars-Beckwith
Trust Love
Trust Love
Trust God
that Love is Everywhere
that we all are here
to be the perfect givers of Love
and Receivers of Love
and Love will have the Final Word.
No One ever loses
When One Trust Love
for Love is something that
will not ever fail.
Love is the Answer of the Spirit
that is known by always giving
Love only always Sees
the Truth beyond
the apearances that we show it.
Love judges not
and Love renews
Yes, Love renews
Love is a Healer
Oh Yes it is.
Love Love to Love
Love Love to Love
and will keep on being Love
and will keep on being Love
This it's only way so
Trust Love
Trust Love
Trust God
that Love is Everywhere
that we all are here
to be the perfect givers of Love
and Receivers of Love
and Love will have the Final Word
No One ever loses
When One Trust Love
to Love is to live within
the Holy Breath of God
Love is the Action of the Spirit
that is known by always giving
Love always Sees
the Truth beyond
the apearances that we show it.
Love judges not
and Love renews
Yes, Love renews
Love is a Healer
Oh Yes it is.
Love Love to Love
Love Love to Love
and will keep on being Love
and will keep on being Love
Its it's only way so
Trust love
and Lean on love
Trust God that love is everywhere
that we are here to be the Perfect
givers Love will have the final word.
We are here to be the perfect givers of Love
and receivers of love
and love will have the final word.
Love will have the final word.
Valentines Day February 14, 2016)