River of Despair fading memories

Memories are nothing more than imprints in the earth
Washed away by the water as it flows
Memories are nothing more than the dead autumn leaves
Carried away by the wind as it blows
They are whispers, heard by only those
Who take the time to listen
They are portraits, seen by only those
Who appreciate the art
When times of triumph fade into the past
The memories are all that remain
But now these memories are fading
Disappearing into the nothingness from whence they came
Memories are finite
They only last so long
Legacies are mortal
They shall crumble and fall
These memories are etched in our minds
They will never be forgotten until the day we die
All the triumphs we accomplish
In these bodies, these cold, hollow shells
Are all minuscule fragments
Of this dark and empty universe in which we dwell