Rob Scallon feat. Eddie Guillen metal mad libs 1

Chocolate nyan cat
frolicking and baking bread
fuck yeah
tiger fox
these lyrics are hard to understand
oh god
bake those cookies
ride the kangaroo
corn corn pop-pop corn
i'm so heavy that words can't explain
i lost my pajama pants
what is this what is this what
why did everyone hug me
french toast sticks
eat fried eggs off the floor
ride an alpaca
the milk men ate all my bananas
anal see-age
who put this pizza here
it seems tastey
don't let the eternal abyss
swallow my peanut butter
so many sandwhiches wasted
wheres my bucket
shake it like it owes me money
get the groceries
i like chocolate milk
drink purple milk
we're all dudes
siberian swim team
find my pickled pasta mr. pony
like and scribe to robs