Rocio Durcal la guirnalda

While I was sitting on the sand of the beach watching the sea
a handsome man came rowing in a boat
that was approaching me
He looked at me, smiled at me
/>and I flirtatiously seeing
I pretended I didn't see
He said hello to me, because I was so alone
at that time I was very disappointed in a love
I told him my whole story of my hell and my glory
the experience in an attempt of a yesterday that I lived badly
next to a love that made me see my fate
he wanted to cause my death and that is why I fled.
And I saw those clear green eyes,
like the seas, like the lakes
And I admired his mouth that did not speak lies
the new story, today was written
a beautiful idyll was just born
And he made a garland
with pure bougainvilleas
he put it on my forehead
I felt divine
He made me his queen
and he took me in his boat
and we saw in the distance
the Port of Vallarta
We heard a sweet and soft song from the waves
and we saw the seagulls
/>my spoiled birds fly
and to the rhythm of the boat
I surrendered myself to their arms
and I got lost in the green, looking into their big eyes
We saw the sun set
br/>we saw it getting dark
and from one moment to the next
the hill appeared
We saw each other in silence
we asked for three wishes
two were granted to me and the other has not yet
Today my wish is
to be in that boat
to be in Eden again
of Puerto de Vallarta
Today my wish is
to be in that boat
be back in Eden
of Puerto de Vallarta