Rosemary Clooney it s a nuisance having you around bonus track

It's a nuisance having you around
but I finds that when you ain't
it's the usual complaint
I'm as miserable as an gal can be who ain't a gol' durn saint
It's a nuisance haven you so close
but I finds that when you go
I'm so ornery and low
I don't pass the time to folks
who stop to pass the time and say hello
Although you peeves me
you changes the day to spring
and when you leaves me
all joy you obliterate
I reiterate
It's a nuisance having you around
but I feels I must repeat
when you're coming up the street
I becomes my natural self
which is of course must lovable and sweet
have a seat
You spoke I heard song
descending from high above
and as for bird song
I reiterates
It's a nuisance having you around
but I find when you're away
its a mighty gloomy day
and the moment you return
I'm just as puffed up as a poppin' jay
you can stay
you can stay