Rosenstolz zucker iii remix

Sugar tastes like your skin
and your deep gaze is wild
take me away to the red moon
the light shines sweeter there
I want to drink you
want to breathe you
destroy my suffering with you
red moon
sweet night
am lost
yet always guarded
red moon
and you shine
because despair unites us
Sugar tastes like cruelty
in the cold morning smoke
am lost in the daylight
because I need the moonlight
I can only wait
can only hope
that you destroy my suffering
Red Moon
sweet night
am lost
but always guarded
red moon
and you shine
because despair unites us
I want to drink you
want to breathe you
destroy my suffering with you
Red moon
sweet night
am lost
but always guarded
red moon
and you shine
because despair unites us...