Rough Shop hellbound train

A drunkard lay on the barroom floor
He drank till he could drink no more
He went to sleep with a troubled brain
And dreamt he was on the hellbound train
The fireman he was a crazy tramp
And the headlight was a brimstone lamp
The tank was full of lager beer
And the devil himself was the engineer
He blew the whistle and he rang the bell
And the devil said boys the next stop's hell
And all the passengers yelled with pain
And begged the devil to stop the train
But the devil he laughed at their misery
He hollered and roared and yelled with glee
You paid your fare with the rest of my load
Now you've got to ride to the end of the road
You mocked at God in your stubborn pride
You murdered and killed and cheated and lied
Double crossed partners and cussed and stole
You belong to me both body and soul
Your bones will burn in the flames that roar
You'll scorch and sizzle from rind to core
Then the barroom rang with an awful scream
As the drunkard woke from his terrible dream
Down on his knees on the barroom floor
He prayed as he never had prayed before
His prayers and vows were not in vain
And he rode no more on the hellbound train