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Kiss Through Frozen Glass
Only a few memories last for a moment.
But there are some that cannot be let go.
Okay then we really need them
because they find time, visit the graves again
For a moment, only some memories last,
but there are those who cannot be let go.
Maybe then we need them
because they will come again, whether you expect it or not.
It is still snowing outside the window before nightfall.
And suddenly I'm going through the ice I see your eyes through the glass.
You press your mouth against the cold glass and so do I.
So the icicles on the window glass all melt.
So the icicles all of us will melt on the window glass.
From this day on, there will be a lot of snow and other things.
It seems as if I had a dream the night before.
Now outside my window, the ice is howling. the wind is ugly and the mind is sad,
although the window is just now in flowers as it was then
although the window is just now in flowers as then.