Run With The Hunted st david

I remember summers in St. David
Warm air kissed by the sun
Breathing life into a world
Long since forgotten
Because you left your fields to wither and die
Withheld your love for a lifetime
You left us to rot in the garden you planted
Sowed the seeds of your own destruction
In a field of unending depression
Nurtured by an obsession
With a son who never cared
And a daughter left with the pain
Of your rejection
Too much for any flower to bear
An only grandson forgotten
A blossoming apple too rotten
To bear fruit for you to taste
To plant roots in your waste
I fell far from the tree
That you nursed with your hands
Because all of the branches
Were cursed on your land
When the last leaves fall to the ground
And your memory is nothing more than a distant sound
An echo without a wall
A tree destined to fall
In the woods
Where no one will hear the sound
Because I silenced them all
A thousand nights spent wondering why
I was so easy to leave behind
Cut off from your love
Like a weed growing in the shadows
Of an abandoned building
Inching towards the sun
So I shared the pain you left us with
A world destined to fall
I screamed until my lungs gave out with
A billion clenched fists pounding the walls
Beating the trunk of a giant destined to fall
And you fell
And when a tree falls
But no one is around to hear it
Does it really make a sound?
Can you hear it die if you’re near it?
When you took your own life
You left fuel for a fire that still burns inside me
I haven’t forgiven and I haven’t forgotten
I live in the ashes you left us to rot in
I hope you found what you were looking for in death
We’re still here, dying for an answer
Your love was a cancer