Ryan Kelly the village that they call the moy

Leaving, it never is easy,
There's no place like home's what they say.
But if it's really that bad and it makes you so sad,
Sure what's the point moving away?
The old man sat down and he said with a frown,
Son it wasn't that easy for me.
The jobs they were scarce, I'd a family to rear,
That's why I'm here over the sea.
But that doesn't mean I don't miss it,
Christ, I'd sell everything that I own.
To be back as a boy in the village of Moy,
In my home in the County Tyrone.
For its there I was born and it's there I belong,
And it's there my last days I'll enjoy.
For there's no place like home in the County Tyrone,
Like in the village that they call The Moy.
There's many's a night that I lie in my bed
And I dream that I'm back there again.
Takin' a stroll over Drumgrannon's Hills
And back by The Major's Lane.
I walk the fields of Listamlet,
And Derryoghill, where I worked as a boy.
With an hour to kill, sure I'd climb Clover Hill
And look down over sweet Mullaghbuoy.
And that's when I realise I miss it
Christ, I'd sell everything that I own.
To be back as a boy in that village of Moy,
In my home in the County Tyrone.
For its there I was born and it's there I belong,
And it's there my last days I'll enjoy.
For there's no place like home in the County Tyrone,
Like in the village that they call The Moy.
It's well I remember that terrible day,
When the time came to go catch that plane
And as I stopped in the square, I stood back and I stared
At my home I may not see again.
And although it seems far from this small Boston bar,
It's never been foreign to me.
There's one thing I've learned, as far as I am concerned
It's a Moy man that I'll always be.
And everyone knows that I miss it
Christ, I'd sell everything that I own.
To be back as a boy in that village of Moy,
In my home in the County Tyrone.
For its there I was born and it's there I belong,
And it's there my last days I'll enjoy.
For there's no place like home in the County Tyrone,
Like in the village that they call The Moy.