RyanDan always

Seems like yesterday
We were running so wild
Though the world has changed
We're the same child inside
Down the years
I could always count on you
And you know you can count on me too
What is a brother for
If not to love?
And if the sky should fall
And life deal you too much
I won't ever go
I won't ever fail
I won't ever let you down
Nemo Nisi Mors
Brothers 'til the end
Always ... Always
With our mothers hair
And our fathers eyes
There's so much we share
That we can't disguise
I feel your pain
I know you can feel it too
You're there for me
I'm there for you
What is a brother for
If not to love?
And if the sky should fall
And life deal you too much
I won't ever go
I won't ever fall
I won't ever let you down
Nemo Nisi Mors
Brothers 'til the end
Always ... Always
Every brother knows no other way
It's for always