Saez que sont elles devenues

What happened to them
the vacation loves
the Hollywood breaths
the high school friends
swallowed the smoke
where did they go
in the bellies of girls
it's not time that passes
it's life that passes us by
in the bellies of girls
we plan muted
one last tango
what happened to them
the mopeds with guns
the first nightclubs
from when we were fifteen
when we lived in times
when nothing was docile
what happened to them
the pin-ups of pinball machines
say in which estuary
trips to the sea
when we saved the earth
when we saved the earth
in the bellies of girls
time doesn't pass
it's life that passes us by
in the bellies of the girls
we project on mute
one last tango
what has become of them
the promises and the lives
that we dreamed of one day
I will find them in the bottom of the attic
of my taste buds in the girls' bellies...
one last tango
deep purple on the ganges
smoke on the bones
moon flowers on the diaper
that melts cold in the back
I hits bongs in bangkok
ganja on the ganges
in Marrakech express
I hunt the dragon in Saigon
I become a Vietcong on the Mekong
I hover over Vietnam
I shower with napalm
I send postcards
I see red seas
I become a communist
Under fans
I think I'm brando
with a knife in my teeth
I cross the river
I play Russian roulette
I wait for it to rain
trip to at the end of oneself
I think about my fifteen years
and if I stayed there
would they remember
the taste of heroin
that I loved at the time
when I loved something
the taste of my heroine
that I loved before
when I 'liked something
yeah I have the blues