Salvatore Adamo bis morgen auf dem mond mit dir

See you tomorrow
on the moon with you!
The old dream comes true!
See you tomorrow
on the moon with you!
Wouldn't that be wonderful?
A golden chariot is coming
and floats up with us:
A dream from childhood
and you already appeared in it!
Planets danced in dance
because it plays for us and them
the wind on a thousand violins
the space symphony!
Until tomorrow
The earth floats in the dark
now as a point of light high in the sky Space
a point of light in the twinkling
on the Christmas tree in the sky.
Our cloud horses race
past star after star
and silently the carriage carries
into Enrich the night for us two...
The wind will gently wrap around you
a lace veil
leaning very closely against me
you will slumber towards the day.
And in the first light of the morning
I kiss you now and then
even if the sun doesn't quite understand
what I'm doing!