Salvatore Adamo le bien que tu me fais

The trouble I go through for the good you do me
You who better than anyone
Understand me and know me
The trouble I go through to please my soul mate
I run, I do tons to be up to the task
I put blinders on myself
To only see you
Look at your light deep within me
You, my sweet nurse who revives my heart
When my life is indifferent to me, when it loses its colors
The trouble I give myself for the good that you do to me
For you who shapes me, who teaches me to be true
For you who resonates with me when sometimes my old demons
Tarnts me and hums to me air of my disillusionment
In this world of machines
Which crushes our emotions
I keep silent, I struggle
To be more than a pawn
On this funny chessboard
So much I surpass myself
Where the wind at its will places me and moves me
But I do not don't complain
He gave me my chance
He guided me towards you I had my reward
The trouble that I give myself for the good that you give me do
You who know all my secrets better than anyone
The trouble I give myself, the good you do me