Sami Yusuf fiyyashiyya live at the dubai opera

A humble slave I am of an almighty Lord
No work is too hard for that One who's adored
But though I'm a beggar who cannot afford
To claim any strength, sure and strong is my Lord
He says, where He wills, when He wishes a thing
Just Be, and it is, by the might of a King
The ruler whose edicts and wise rulings bring
All blessings and grace by the might of a King
I haven't got the force
No strength between my sides
Why feel such remorse
When the Maker provides?
I haven't got the force
No strength between my sides
Why feel such remorse
When the Maker provides?
أنا عبد ربي له قدرة
يهون بها كل Ø£Ùu0085ر عسير
فإن كنت عبدا ضعيف القوى
فربي على كل شيء قدير
Ùu0085ني أيش عليا و أنا عبد Ùu0085Ùu0085لوك
و اﻷشياء Ùu0085قضية Ùu0085ا في التØu00adقيق شكوك
ربي نظر فيا و أنا نظري Ùu0085تروك
في اﻷرØu00adاÙu0085 و اﻷØu00adشاء Ùu0085ن نطفة صورني
I haven't got the force
No strength between my sides
Why feel such remorse
When the Maker provides?
أنا Ùu0085ا لي فياش، أيش عليا Ùu0085ني
أقلق Ùu0085ن رزقي لاش و الخالق يرزقني؟
اللهÙu0085 صل على الÙu0085صطفى، Øu00adبيبنا Ùu0085Øu00adÙu0085د عليه السلاÙu0085
I'm safe in the shade of his all-knowing height
And no strength have I — His all power and might.
So glory to God, his bounty shining bright,
All gratitude and praise are His due and His right.
He says, where He wills, when He wishes a thing,
just Be, and it is, by the might of a King.
The ruler whose edicts and wise rulings bring
All blessings and grace by the might of a King.
I haven't got the force, No strength between my sides
Why feel such remorse when the Maker provides?
أنا Ùu0085الي فياش, ايش عليا Ùu0085ني
أقلق Ùu0085ن رزقي ليش و الخالق يرزقني ؟
اللهÙu0085 صلِّ على الÙu0085صطفى, Øu00adبيبنا Ùu0085ُØu00adÙu0085َد عليه السلاÙu0085