Sami Yusuf taha

á¹¢allah the LÄზსhu âზზalÄზ ṬÄზhÄზ
Khayri l'khalqi wa-âზზaḥlÄზhÄზ
Khayri l'khalqi is the hÄĂdÄ«
NÅ«ru the kauni with it bÄĖĂdÄ«
âĖĂâAmma nĖĂsa bi-âĖĂĂirshÄĂĂdi
âĂĂĂAzka the khalqi wa-âḖဖზará¸ḖÄḖhÄḖ
NÅ«ru lLÄĖĂhi l'mutaqaddim
Qabla l'khalqi l'mutaâĖĖĖallim
Badru n-nÅ «ri l'mutalaththim
HÄḈḃdi l'khalqi li-MawlÄḈḈhÄḈḈ
BaâḈẀạda ssidrati qad sÄḈrÄḈ
Wa-raâḈဈḈa l'á ¸¥aqqa wa-â閈閃anwÄ閈rah
Waqafa r-ruḥu wa-ma sÄจrÄจ
Idhhab waḥdaka yÄจ ṬÄจ︈hÄจ︈
RĂĂ¼ha bi-l-ĖĂlÄĂĂf
âĂĂâan âĂĂĂęahli l-bayti l-ĂĂĂashrĖĂf
Wa-l-âĂĂĂaá¹ £hÄზ⁁bi âḖဖზÅ«li-l-âẖကẖinsÄẖểf
NÄẖlu l'khulda wa-suknÄẖhÄẖể
Malīḥun lawnuhū
KahÄ«lun á¹arfuhÅ«
JamÄ«lun naâ門都tuhÅ«
á¹¢allah l LÄ閖hu â門関alÄ閃 ṬÄ閈hÄ閃
Qamarīyun wajhuhū
Bahīyun shakluhū
â門都Aáº郖Ä«mun khuluquhÅ«
á¹¢allah l LÄ郖hu â郀都alÄ郖 ṬÄ郁hÄ郖
Rahīmun qalbuhū
á¹¢adÅ«qun waâ閃duhÅ«
â閃AmÄ«mun jÅ«duhÅ«
MÄ郖ḥin muntaqÄ
á¹ ¢alÄზtu RabbÄ«
MaâზჀზᘘa s-sÄზჁmi
âზზAlÄზ Muhammad
Zaynu l-âზზasÄზmÄ«
[English: ]
God's blessings be upon Taha,
Best of creation and the sweetest
Best of God's creation, he's the guide
The light of existence shines through him
He encompassed all mankind with his guidance
Purest of creation and the most pleasing
The first light of God
He was taught before all other creation
The veiled light of the full moon
Guiding creation to its Lord
Beyond the Sidra he walked
And saw The Truth and His Lights
The Spirit (Jibraâ門郡il) stopped and did not continue
saying go on alone Taha
May God be pleased with his intimates
from his noble family
And his companions, the people of justice
Who gained eternity and its dwelling
Of fine complexion
His eyes, dark and wide
Of beautiful face
The guide, with whom God is satisfied
His face is like the moon
His form is resplendent
His character is mighty
Taha, the chosen one
His heart is kind,
His promises are kept
His generosity is vast
The effacer (of sins), the chosen one
The blessings of my Lord
And His peace
Upon Muhammad
The most beautiful of names