SantaSquad100 tickles

(Beef Keef)
*women voice* it's a Keef ting..
Ho ho ho watch a nigga go!
(Jay Northside)
It's mister beat ur girl, with my lyrics ofc, I'm so lyrical I'm like a Jedi, rap skills on point, call me lord Yoda. I got rap skills like Sith Vader I'm so dark like a clone.
(K sizzle)
We in this bish, Dissin all goofus and callin out fakes, Screw you drank & frank block!, ad duck you k sizzle Toronto.
(Poop boy 416)
I try to hard to tickle my dad but all he does is act gay and sad
(K sizzle)
This ones for those men who like being ticked before my shows, before I had money to pay the bills, but now I got that a month welfare money
(Poop boy 416)
I try to hard to tickle my dad but all he does is act gay and sad