Sarah Slean girls hating girls

you don't really wanna know me do ya
no you'd rather overthrow me its alright i can see it i your mannered lack of manners
thirty something can be one big high school
i knew that before i came here but tonight i don't care
line em up
line em up knock em down knock em down
the words we use to light the fuse girls hating girls
line em up line em up knock em down knock em down ive seen your kind a thousand times girls hating girls
all the ones who wanna tear you down are
always would of could of should haves its all right
i don't blame you for your mannered lack of mannered
i'm not in the demolition business
so you take your party else where cause tonight i dont care
when you've got lovely friends like these
i ask you who needs enemies
you shoot to kill i aim to please
you don't really wanna know me do ya