Saratoga mi ciudad

There is a place, very close to here
Where the air does not reach.
The sunlight cannot pass through
It dissolves in smoke.
The factory has an infernal rhythm
Day and night, it doesn't want to stop.
Cars invade everything they see incessantly.
Groups of people with nothing to do
They warm their hands,
They look into the fire, they would like to know
What their future will be.
They have been promised a great future
If they endure what is to come,
While the wait is still longer more, who cares.
My city is not for jokes, it cannot wait.
My city remained as a center in the immensity.
My city served as a refuge for who needed.
A horizon to start, a place to live.
Houses in ruin, visible humidity
That clings to the bones.
Old streetlights, they don't even illuminate God
On winter nights.
In a labyrinth of endless streets
Side by side we must live.
The children left, they wanted to play,
What © más da.
I raise my voice, I swear that you will not die
And if I can help you, I will be here.
[Lyrics and music: Jerónimo Ramiro]