Scarlet Moon pomienie wojny wogastisburg 631

Cruel Germanic swords
They have shed too much blood
Flames of burning tendrils
Ignite hearts to fight
Slavic warriors went into battle
With the tristic symbol on their chests
Full of pride, strength and courage
In defense of the father's faith and land
They are not afraid of their hearts and souls
Fear of fear death unknown to the warriors
They are not afraid of steel-wrapped troops
Vulnerable Franks and Saxons hosts
Almighty Perun gave us a sign
Forward, brothers into battle
He will soon complete destiny is upon us
We praise You, Lord of War, This mortal battle is for Your glory
For the brothers who are left alive
To You thanksgiving sacrifices adamy
Give victory to the oppressed nation
Help fate to tip the scales
Glory to the brothers who fell
In the flames of war and in eternal glory
Horse teams are running in pursuit
A cloud of anger of a terrible victory
Showing the eagle's majesty with victory
With pride like a weapon covered with blood
The scarlet of blood and the shade flames
I will avenge our wrongs
On Teutonic land
We praise You, Lord of War
Our victory is Yours' glory
For those who took many and many conquests
We offer sacrifices of thanksgiving to you
Grant peace to the brave nation
Who crowned the work with victory
Glory to the defenders of our homeland
Clothe their hearts with lion's strength and courage