Scott Simpson bugsy

She's right there by my head
It's not a double, it's a queen-sized bed.
She's got a funny little snore
when she sleeps
and a little black nose to sniff out
the secrets that she keeps.
It don't matter how my day
ducked and dodged me,
she's right there with her
warm little body.
I sit down, she's up in my lap
licking off my worries
‘til she curls up for a nap.
Bugsy, Bugsy, Bugsy girl
you've got my heart,
I've got the whole wide world.
See, there ain't no judgment
in your wide-open eyes,
you take what's given
and you tell no lies.
It's real, you're an
understated party…
it don't matter if we're early
or we're tardy.
You sniff out love
and you jump up for a treat.
You get so excited
you can't stay on your feet.
Oh Bugsy girl, come on up here,
let me whisper in your ear…
You know I love you Bugsy,
Bugsy girl…
Bugsy, Bugsy, Bugsy girl.
Now some things in life
have their price,
you plunk down your change
and you think that's nice,
but there're some friendships
that just can't be bought,
they're freely given and they're
freely sought.
Me, I love the furry kind
a little cold on the nose
and waggly on the behind.
Yeah little Bugsy's just as
good as they get.
I ain't seen none that could
match her yet, no.
Bugsy, Bugsy, Bugsy girl
you've got my heart,
I've got the whole wide world.
See, there ain't no judgment
in your wide-open eyes,
you take what's given
and you tell no lies.
It's real, you're an
ankle-high army—
I see you coming and you
always disarm me.
I've got to smile when you
run that way,
your legs like springs
when the big dogs play.
Well, you sniff at the flowers
and you chew at the grass;
you never let a single
morsel pass.
You've got a hunger
just puts me to shame.
makes me happy just to speak
your name.
Bugsy, won't you come up here
let me whisper in your ear…
You know I love you Bugsy,
Bugsy girl…
Bugsy, Bugsy, Bugsy girl.
Bugsy, Bugsy, Bugsy girl.
Bugsy, Bugsy, Bugsy girl
you've got my heart,
I've got the whole wide world.
See, there ain't no judgment
in your wide-open eyes,
you take what's given
and you tell no lies.
Bugsy, Bugsy, Bugsy girl.