Scott Simpson cherry hill

Cherry Hill
Cherry Hill, oh Cherry Hill
Got my fill on Cherry Hill
Cherry Hill, oh Cherry Hill
Got my fill on Cherry Hill
There was a place we kids would go
To ride our bikes and sled our snow
It was a magic place—everybody said so,
Yeah, I been there, and I oughta know.
Lots of trails and lots of trees
And a hill where the grass was up to your knees
Didn't take much more than a Momma please?
And we were out the door like a summertime breeze.
Well it was hide-n-seek and dirt bike chase
We were just kids thinkin' it was our place
‘fore the strangers came n left more than a trace
We found ‘em under the bridge—you shoulda seen Kirk's face.
See they were pictures from some magazine
The kind none of us had ever seen
Some were sick, some were just mean
Oh but they sucked us in like a candy machine
Now eight years old's too young to die
But my eight years fell away with a sigh
Like middle-aged men we began to cry
There on cherry hill beneath a summer sky…
Cherry hill never was the same
Mighta been fear, mighta been shame
But my bike gathered dust and a rusty chain
Once us boys had a taste of a grown man's pain
Well I might go there if I'm back in town
Just to see the bridge and hear the cricket sound
But there's no more surprises left to be found
Once a boys grown up and been around
Tell me, are there no more surprises left to be found
Before the cherries fall and the sun goes down?
Cherry Hill, oh Cherry Hill
Got my fill on Cherry Hill
Cherry Hill, oh Cherry Hill
Got my fill on Cherry Hill
Oh I had my fill of Cherry Hill.