Separatist immersion

In vehement desperation for deliverance from this excruciating misery
Our voices, ulcerated and wracked with thirst
Like fountains of blood reaching towards the heavens
Returning as void before the altar
Mother and infant are bound in ritual
Nails driven through pristine flesh as they lay
Our dust veils their mournful stare
As their harrowing lamentation is smothered by soil
Buried awake in an exquisite sacrifice
Drowning immersed beneath our dying earth
Breath slowly fading, encased in sediment
Motionless and silent beneath
As we wait in woeful expectation
Our eyes are fixed on the inanimate skies
In fearful reverence prayers arise
From our cracked lips
Trembling in endless despair
As a mothers muffled screams ring out in our ears, deafening
What have we done?